Discover NSA with Manthieta, Manager

Manthieta has been working at NSA since 2011. She started out as a senior associate and is now Head of Mission, managing a team of four people. His day-to-day tasks include reviews, quarterly statements and balance sheets. Her favourite part of her job is her role as manager, where she helps, trains and passes on her knowledge to the juniors.

Over the years, Manthieta has acquired expertise in cash flow, reporting and consolidation. One of her most memorable experiences was managing a major project on her own, which boosted her confidence and demonstrated NSA’s spirit of support.

Team spirit is essential at NSA, where Manthieta has always received support, especially in reconciling her professional and personal life as a mother of three. The firm’s strong sense of cohesion and warm atmosphere has meant that many of her colleagues have become close friends.

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