We are able to provide complete and tailored service to facilitate a manager’s day-to-day work, to meet sometimes complex accounting, tax and legal needs.

Our areas of expertise in accounting revolve around the following areas:

  • Complete outsourcing of your company's accounting function (from bookkeeping to the preparation of annual accounts);
  • Production of Financial Statements or companies whose accounting is integrated:
    • • Preparation of the financial statements with an economic approach according to the activity and tax optimisation in accordance with the legal texts;
    • • Establishment of work files to manage the relationship with the auditors;
    • • Assistance in communicating with financial partners;
    • • Preparation of your annual French accounts from accounting conducted abroad;
    • • Specific intervention in the context of the transition from accounting of French standards to international standards.

In tax matters, our advisory mission focuses on:

  • Validation of tax principles according to the company’s activity;
  • Optimisation of the tax organisation within a group of companies, and particularly, through the implementation of contracts and/or agreements between companies (tax consolidation agreement, service and centralised cash flow management contracts, etc.);
  • Assistance in the context of your tax audits (from preparing elements to responses and appointments during adversary proceedings).

Moreover, and in connection with our main mission, our legal department provides for the legal administration of your companies, including particularly convocation formalities and the drafting of minutes.
We are also able to assist you on more complex restructuring processes, in partnership with your lawyers.


Complex social legislation, combined with the new DSN standard and the upcoming introduction of deductions at source induces heavy administrative management that requires great technical expertise and constant knowledge development. This is why we have developed an information exchange platform in partnership with an IT service provider, to simplify payroll processing by creating a fluid communication method adapted to these new challenges.

Our goal is to meet our administrations’ new requirements in terms of quality and time.

Our areas of expertise are based on the following two axes:

    • Delegated social management:
      • • Establishment of pay slips and social statements;
      • • Daily management of events, such as holidays/RWT, overtime, sick leave:
      • • Establishment of a social scoreboard (summary planning of all employees, monthly progress of key social indicators, etc.);
      • • Control and storage of all of your employees’ information (employment contract, ID photo, residence permit, electronic health insurance card, etc.);
      • • Implementation, if you wish, of communication between the HR manager and employee (in a participative logic of the latter).
    • Social counselling:
      • • Analysis of the applicable collective agreement and conformity of the employment contracts;
      • • Analysis of compliance with conventional and legal obligations with respect to labour law;
      • • Audit prior to URSSAF control;
      • • Support in the context of dismissals:
      • • Annual calculation of the IDR (retirement allowance);
      • • Search for optimisation by implementing incentive plans and hiring aids.


Our mission is to guarantee the relevance and reliability of financial information through a quality audit. Given the experience of our stakeholders, we are able to audit financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with French or international accounting standards.

Legal audit

• Auditors
• Transfer and merger auditor
• Commissioner for transformation

Contractual audit

Our Transaction Services team assists you throughout the acquisition or transfer process to provide you with all its expertise in order to meet the financial, strategic and economic challenges of the planned transaction:

• Audit d’acquisition et audit vendeurs
• Assistance dans l’élaboration des informations financières
• Contrôle et détermination du prix de la transaction
• Assistance dans l’appréciation des contrats d’acquisition et des garanties
• Audit fiscal et social
• Audit des procédures et systèmes d’informatio



Naïm Steinmetz & Associés

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