Discover NSA with Chloé, Senior Accountant

Chloé, 27, joined NSA in January 2021 as a junior accountant after completing her DSCG. Rapidly promoted to senior the following year, she is currently in her third and final year of the DEC. Her day-to-day tasks include auditing accounts and quarterly statements, but she concentrates mainly on statutory auditing, which is essential for her degree.

NSA gave him these missions as soon as he arrived, making it easier for him to progress. Chloé enjoys the variety of tasks, avoiding monotony thanks to varied deadlines and one-off assignments. One of his fondest memories is of a tree-climbing teambuilding session, which reinforced team cohesion. She emphasises the friendliness and mutual support within the firm, with real scope for progress and a strong sense of belonging. What’s more, the mutual support between colleagues preparing for the DEC is a valuable asset for her.

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